HAPPY★RUSH [SPA] 11★ Not the worst 11 in the game by far. It's tough but blown way out of proportion. Don't get bad bugged and don't rely on one hand to do all the work and you'll be fine.
(Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular 11.8 -- -- --
Kung-fu Empire [SPA] 11★ Note count doesn't lie. Song is thick. Can't really cheat it any way.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular 11.8 -- -- --
STARMINE [SPA] 10★ (Scratching, Scales, Chords) 10.8 -- -- --
Nothing but Theory [SPA] 11★ It's a hard 10 with some easy 11 thrown in. Scales and chord scales are the trickiest parts which are negated by a good random.
(Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Random 11.1 11.4 -- --
FLAG OF PEACE [SPA] 11★ Very consistent and straightforward. No difficulty spikes, only cool downs.
Regular 11.2 11.4 -- --
Halfway of promise [SPA] 11★ I'm awful at scratching and HC'd this before I could NC. Consider trying the HC if you're stuck on this and your strong suits aren't in scratching either.
(Scratching, Chords, Difficult End)
11.2 11.1 -- --
Golden Palms† [SPA] 11★ Gets a relatively easier at the end right after a burst of meter drainage. NC comes down to getting your meter back up enough in time for the song to end. i.e. Not dropping HCN.
(Scratching, Charge Notes)
Regular 11.5 -- -- --
Treasure×Star [SPA] 10★ Tricky, but repeated and nothing gimmicky once you have the gist.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.5 10.6 10.8 --
ECHIDNA [SPH] 10★ HCN pose the biggest threat while also performing stream.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Chords)
Regular 10.6 10.7 10.8 --
Idola [SPH] 10★ Fast BPM and occasional chord scale to trip you up if you're not ready.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 10.4 10.6 10.8 --
The Hope of Tomorrow† [SPA] 10★ Bursts of difficulty near the end, otherwise manageable and no gimmicks.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 10.3 10.5 10.6 --
Magical [SPA] 10★ Random takes care of the awkward twinkly part and scales.
(Scales, Trills, Rolls)
Random 10.1 10.3 10.4 --
エディブルフラワーの独白 [SPA] 10★ Straightforward, entry 10. Random can help if you're not one for scales, as a few are sprinkled in. Regular is fine, though. Nothing surprising or gimmicky.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.0 10.2 10.4 --
Breaking Dawn feat. NO+CHIN. AYANO [SPA] 11★ Dense with weird transitions. Fast scratch bursts and quick rolls.
(Scratching, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random 11.5 -- -- --
Silvia Drive† [SPA] 10★ Slow, dense, and hard to time.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random 10.7 -- -- --
Make Me Your Own [SPA] 10★ Highly recommend at least mirroring this if you're 2P. Notes being by the scratches helps immensely. Oddly spaced scratching and some tricky double-back scales during the jazz keyboard.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls)
Random, Mirror 10.6 10.8 -- --
Be A Star [SPA] 11★ Fast BPM with on-tempo dense chords. Struggle can come from moments of heavy stream and trills.
(Scales, Trills, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.3 -- -- --
恋は白帯、サンシロー† [SPA] 11★ Entry 11 chords and straightforward scales with no surprises.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.1 -- -- --
Kailua (HCN Ver.) [SPA] 11★ Thumb check. HCNs guarantee plenty of free meter. Nailing the ending roll just once will give you the lamp.
(Charge Notes, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular 11.3 -- -- --
MIRACLE MEETS [SPA] 11★ The charge notes mid song can be purposefully dropped when going solely for NC or even HC lamps. This negatates much of what makes this an 11.
(Charge Notes)
Regular 10.6 10.8 11.3 --
Give Me A Sign [SPA] 8★ Two step beat doesn't help the insane density this chart throws at you for its rating. Great song, not an 8.
(Scratching, Jacks, Rolls, Chords)
9.5 9.8 10.0 9.0