Trigger [CSP] | 18★ |
Funny how over charted this is while also not being as dense in note count as most other 18s. The slow parts are pretty packed though, so I'd encourage a higher speed mod.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Drills, Step-Jumps, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 18.0 | 18.4 |
A Geisha's Dream [ESP] | 11★ |
Still one of the best 11s ever made. Great song, fun to execute, and even has some nice footswitch action that's easy to learn.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Freeze Notes) |
2.5x | 11.2 | 11.2 |
tokyoEVOLVED (TYPE1) [ESP] | 16★ |
The first and honestly most underrated of the EVOLVED series imo. Not a bad choice for a first 16 clear, just note the stops and crossovers. Also probably the easiest of the three types, as it lacks the jack-jumps of the others.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
1.75x | 16.1 | 16.2 |
PARANOiA ~HADES~ [DSP] | 15★ |
Surviving the jump-riddled first minute is undoubtedly the hardest part. The slowdown is a good breather while everything afterwards is manageable. Truly a SN2 8
(Jumps, Speed Changes, Step-Jumps, Difficult Beginning) |
1.5x | 15.5 | 15.4 |
on the bounce [CSP] | 16★ |
This stepchart unfortunately doesn't really flow nor fit the song as well as the Expert's. Regardless, it's not a bad first 16 to aim for clearing-wise.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Turns) |
3.0x | 15.8 | 16.1 |
Pluto [CSP] | 16★ |
If you can memorize the stops, this is an absolute breeze to clear for a 16. Scoring is much trickier on the other hand with aforementioned stops and slight speed changes.
(Crossovers, Speed Changes, Stops) |
2.5x | 16.0 | 16.8 |
PARANOiA survivor [ESP] | 15★ |
The ending run with the crossovers is very difficult, and everything beforehand will drain your stamina reliably.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 15.5 | -- |