namolbbaemi |
Easy 18
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Drills, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 18.3 | 18.1 |
Jynxatu |
Not the worst 18 in the world to bracket through, but doing all those crossovers legit doesn't seem too fun. The FELM stepjump section is where you're likely to fail if you don't have the stamina.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Jacks, Step-Jumps, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 18.4 | 18.5 |
rayword45 |
Apparently everyone thinks this is a good beginner 18 and I say HELL NO. Even if the shitty slowdown was well-flowing stream (start the 16th run wrong foot) it's just... CROSSOVERY
(Crossovers, Speed Changes, Turns, Jacks, Difficult Middle) |
1.75x | 18.6 | 18.5 |
I have more trouble with this chart than I should, but it's a good one. Fits nicely in the middle in terms of difficulty and scoring.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Jacks) |
1.5x | 18.5 | 18.5 |
Kingly |
Pretty Solid 18. One of my favorites. Make sure to start the last stream with your left foot on the right arrow, and your right foot on up.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Jacks) |
1.5x | 18.4 | 18.5 |
46ktn |
Best 18 in the game. Start the 16th stream with left foot.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Jacks) |
1.75x | 18.5 | 18.5 |
Quick Man |
Mishmash of other boss charts results in some weird shit, but it's alright to play I guess.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Drills, Jacks, Step-Jumps) |
1.75x | 18.4 | 18.3 |