Steel Edge // SPA // 12☆

Smallwaves 1P Fake 12
(Charge Notes, Scales)
Regular, Random 11.9 -- -- --
unknown1235 1P Despite the hate it gets, it's still feels like a 12.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls)
R-Random, Mirror 12.1 12.3 -- --
ngqp 1P 12.1 -- -- --
lbstr 2P (Charge Notes) Regular, Random 12.0 -- -- --
mr12inches 1P Hell Charge Notes with the occasional 16th scratch burst and the density of most 11's. Use Non-ran or mirror on this one. Just hit the HCN's. It's the newest "easiest 12 in the game to NC", much easier than SSC so long as you can hit the HCN's
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Mirror 11.8 -- -- --
shancial 2P If you can nail the HCnotes at the end, this is a dense 11 with a bit of gain after the hardest part. Mash those scratchbursts, experiment with mirror/non-ran.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, Mirror 11.9 -- -- --
grithok 1P Not a 12.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Rolls)
Regular 11.7 12.0 -- --
deogenerate 1P hard
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 12.0 12.2 -- --
usotsuki 1P if the hcn were regular cn it'd be a 12
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 11.9 12.0 -- --
Ryujin 1P Toughest parts are Hell BSS+16th stream & 16th scratches & near the end w/long HCNs in stream or chords. However, the rest of the chart is mainly chords & several rolls, & the end HCNs also give back a lot of gauge, making this a likely 1st 12 NC.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 11.8 12.1 -- 11.8
coregee 2P charge notes at the end are the only risky part of this song
(Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 11.8 11.8 -- --
8man 1P An early 12. Clear might get away from you if you are really bad at charge notes, but HCN's overall give you generous life gain so hit and hold them at any cost.
(Charge Notes, Difficult End)
Random 12.0 -- -- --
YungVoltaire 1P if ur not a glazed over boomer and can decently bs ur way thru hcns/bsses this is in no way shape or form a 12. first nc, first hc, first exhc, first aa for me
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Chords)
Regular 11.8 12.0 12.2 --
teie 1P A very early 12. That's about it.
(Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.2
jorts 1P as @YungVoltaire said. the last run of HCNs and density at the end are basically the deciding factor. but if you *are* a glazed over boomer, try primitive vibes instead
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 11.8 -- -- --
Cowtao 1P Not a 12. Most of the chords are stuff you can see on some of the harder 11s out there. Ending can grief if you dislike cns, but if you got Acid Pumper or Kailua you’ll be fine.
(Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 11.9 -- -- --