Anomaly | 1P |
Always increase your initial green number by +15 when playing this song; green number will never change after the first speed change happens. Ending measures dense up with chord scales into one final roll, w/ scratches along the way.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End) |
Random | 12.3 | 12.4 | -- | -- |
coregee | 2P |
+10 to 20 on your GN, and use random for nicer chord scales. the ending scratches have a weird rhythm, just play what you see and hope it works.
(Scratching, Chord Scales) |
Regular, Random, Mirror | 12.0 | 12.2 | -- | -- |
Smallwaves | 1P | (Scratching, Chord Scales, Chords) | 12.2 | 12.3 | -- | -- | |
CAERK | 1P | (Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales, Denim) | Random | 12.2 | 12.3 | 12.5 | 12.2 |
oobaazea | 1P |
Daunting at first but easy with practice
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Denim) |
Random | 12.1 | 12.2 | 12.4 | 12.2 |
XAAACI | 1P | (Scratching, Speed Changes, Denim) | Random | 12.3 | 12.3 | 12.7 | 12.3 |
CHZK | 1P |
If going for nothing but a clear, the ending is done more easily by mashing than by actively trying to play the scales. Fairly standard easy 12 until the scratches come in during the last 10% of the chart.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Denim) |
Regular, Random, R-Random | 12.4 | 12.5 | 12.5 | 12.5 |
MdXMaxX | 2P |
Somewhat random dependent
(Scratching, Jacks, Rolls) |
Random | 12.3 | -- | -- | -- |
Catastrophe | 1P |
Just a little bit of turntable causes all the difference in the world. And the developers cut the ending short on the another specifically so you couldn't recover. Also this song throws off your floating HS.
(Speed Changes, Chord Scales) |
Random, R-Random | 12.3 | 12.5 | -- | -- |
ngqp | 1P | (Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords) | Random, R-Random | 12.3 | 12.3 | 12.5 | 12.4 |
deogenerate | 1P |
piss off wac. dont even think about the end scratches, just hope you're hitting them right or get fucked pretty much
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Rolls) |
Random | 12.3 | 12.5 | -- | -- |
xlvr | 1P |
i think this was my 5th 12. but got 4 on the same day so essentially 2nd 12. the middle is the hardest part. randoms really suck sometimes
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult Middle) |
Random | 12.3 | -- | -- | -- |
8man | 1P |
You can either add to your green number or FHS once the song goes to 160 really quick. Song gets a bit dense and ending hits you with scratches and even a roll with very limited end recovery. HC feels much more consistent than NC
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End) |
Random | 12.2 | 12.2 | -- | -- |
YungVoltaire | 1P |
why does every wac chart have bullshit scratches over scales in the end why why why. I either hit one white key at start or read fast until a break around 30% through then just float
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales, Denim, Difficult End) |
Random | 12.3 | 12.5 | -- | -- |