オレはビートマニア!お前は何マニア? [SPN] 7★ Oh man the classic afroman song. Ending has some really chill scratches.
(Scratching, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Mirror 7.3 7.8 8.0 --
3y3s [SPN] 7★ This 7 is actually ridiculously hard for a 7 and I'm inclined to think that it's actually an 8 sometimes. It's the chords, I think.
Regular, Mirror 7.9 8.0 -- --
Fly you to the star [SPA] 10★ A dense streamy 10 that's good practice for entry into 11s. Straightforward and fun to time.
(Scratching, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.7 10.8 11.3 10.7
examination leave [SPA] 11★ aw geez why isn't this officially rated a 12, this thing is an early tier 12 at least
(Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Random 12.0 12.1 -- --
Verflucht [SPA] 12★ Geez these rolls and that massive chord scale section is ridiculous. You're gonna need some hard NRG for this chart
(Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Difficult Middle)
Random 13.0 -- -- --
共鳴遊戯の華 [SPA] 12★ I want to random this but nonran seems pretty easy in comparison. Should probably play this on ran more. Those jacks and CN sections are EZ killer measures to bomb your gauge, so be wary of those.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, Random -- -- -- --
DXY! [SPA] 10★ Don't feel bad if you can't do a dozen consecutive chord jacks at all; literally the reason why I S-ran'd for the HC instead. You can hope for a good Ran but if you can't jack you can't hope for anything above NC.
(Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Difficult Middle)
Regular, Random, S-Random, Mirror 10.6 12.0 -- --
Make A Difference [SPA] 10★ good practice for The Safari [h] on random.
(Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random 10.6 10.7 11.0 --
quell -the seventh slave- [SPA] 12★ R-ran is great and more people need to spend time with this mod overall. That aside, R-ran works well for the 32th scales in the middle as well as the trills in the beginning / ending. (SYNC-ANTHEM [a] is also good practice fyi; they're both the same BPM.)
(Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.2 13.2 -- --
HAERETICUS [SPA] 12★ Stamina-based chart that has some really... unique chord stream transitions. Either non-ran/mir this or pray for a good Random. update 1/23/16: R-ran confirmed really good for everything.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 13.1 -- -- --
3y3s [SPA] 12★ This chart is uniquely gimmicky and not in the way I'd like it
(Scratching, Jacks, Rolls, Chords)
Random 13.0 -- -- --
A [SPA] 12★ FHS specific strategy: Double your initial green #. While still holding the Start button, hit two black keys. Play. Once the beginning is over (before speed change), quickly hold Start and hit two white keys to reset back to your original doubled green #.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Random 12.0 12.0 12.5 12.0
IMPLANTATION [SPA] 12★ How to hit the beginning jacks: 1-2-2, 1-2-2
(Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, R-Random 12.7 12.9 -- --
雪月花 [SPA] 12★ My 1st time Clear was Mir, then nonran immediately afterwards. What's that? The ending is killing you alot? Just learn the scratches lmao it's just repetitive sets of 1-2-3
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.3 12.5 -- --
Close the World feat. a☆ru [SPA] 12★ Not that hard for its straightforwardness. Just don't lose stamina.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.7 12.8 -- --
moon_child [SPA] 12★ Always increase your initial green number by +15 when playing this song; green number will never change after the first speed change happens. Ending measures dense up with chord scales into one final roll, w/ scratches along the way.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Random 12.3 12.4 -- --
Todestrieb [SPA] 12★ Do not worry if you flatline before the first CN measures, you can still genocide Clear. Just lifegain and keep comboing on beat, and beware of the dense chord streams that come in towards the ending. Ending CNs = +10% for NC gauge.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, R-Random, Mirror 12.3 12.7 -- --
Evans [SPA] 12★ The ending is all about the bass rush with rolls and scratches inbetween for the last few measures. The rest is pretty straight forward and R-randoms pretty well; just hope and pray that your bass rush is on a good key, like 2 or something.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.6 12.5 -- --
Hollywood Galaxy(DJ NAGAI Remix) [SPA] 12★ Non-ran is one of your best options. M37-M41 you absolutely MUST keep hitting if you want the HC (luckily it's lifegain onwards til the ending). Same thing for ending measures 85-89, the notes will not stop coming at you, so do not choke and keep on beat.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.0 13.0 -- --
Shooting Fireball [SPA] 12★ Has 天空の夜明け's chord jacks (towards the ending) / jacks inbetween streams and Broken's density level x1.5 for the ending. Watch out for the chord jacks towards the ending, they come out sooner than you think.
(Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Chords, Difficult End)
Random 13.2 13.2 -- --
Colorful Cookie [SPA] 12★ Ending is ridiculously dense; keep on beat with the song like "1-2-3" and you'll get through it. R-random randoms everything in the chart well and makes everything easier to hit no matter what R-ran you get, including the chord roll in the middle.
(Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random 12.8 12.9 -- --
MIRACLE MEETS [SPA] 11★ CNs towards the end are a little trippy but that's the only thing stopping you from making this your first officially rated 11 Clear
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Chords, Difficult Middle)
Regular, Mirror 10.7 10.8 11.3 --
もっと!モット!ときめき feat. 松下 [SPA] 11★ Mamonis schoolgirl still creeps me the fuck out to this day. /whydoesthisevenexist
(Scratching, Scales, Trills, Chords)
Regular 11.7 11.8 -- --
Invitation from Mr.C [SPA] 12★ This song's vocal sample was right when it said you needed to be a "Bass God". Not "Based". "Bass".
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales)
Regular, Random 12.5 12.8 -- --
BLUE MIRAGE [SPA] 12★ Just pray for a good random. 2nd half is alot easier to combo compared to the 1st half.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Random 12.6 -- -- --
D.C. fish [SPA] 11★ The ending rolls are basically the same thing as 405nm mix [a]. Would nonran this for 1st time Clear.
(Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 11.2 11.2 11.7 --
naughty girl@Queen's Palace† [SPA] 11★ Just like the regular [a], but denser!
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 11.7 12.0 -- --
BRAINSTORM [SPA] 11★ Dope af song \m/ The ridiculously dense scratches (for an 11!) in the middle (w/ rolls) and ending measures are literally the only measures you need to worry about, especially for HC, so learn them well. It's pretty straightforward otherwise.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 11.7 11.9 -- 11.9
KEY [SPA] 11★ Choooooooorrrrrrrrrds.
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 11.1 11.4 -- 11.4
MENTAL MELTDOWN [SPA] 11★ Genocidable after the Innocent Walls chord jacks. If you wanna HC this, learn how to actually hit that and the denim rolls before that. (would use Mirror for 1st time Clear.)
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Random, Mirror 11.3 11.8 -- --
in the Sky [SPA] 11★ This song is ridiculously fun to time and yet headache-inducing to Clear. Just, be good at chords and rolls I guess.
(Rolls, Chords)
Mirror 11.8 11.7 -- --
THE SAFARI [SPH] 10★ The cause of all 7th Dan failures for eighteen Styles
(Jacks, Denim, Chords)
Random 10.8 10.9 -- --
Holic [SPA] 11★ Not as hard as some people make it sound. Just mind the dense middle measure with the bass rush and the dense ending measures with jacks.
(Scratching, Jacks, Chords)
Random 11.7 11.6 12.1 --
reunion [SPA] 12★ Rolls, jacks, staircases, and a dirty of loudness measure at the end.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.9 -- -- --
V [SPH] 10★ The chord rolls are the only thing you need to worry about. R-ran works best.
(Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.4 10.6 -- 10.0
龍と少女とデコヒーレンス [SPA] 11★ Stamina-based chart. You can put this on par with things like SHADE and ANTHEM LANDING.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Denim, Difficult End)
Random, Mirror 11.6 11.8 12.0 11.9
Elemental Creation [SPA] 12★ The ending is a complete clusterfuck of chord staircases. If you don't know how to hit those, you're fucked. Don't worry if you flatline after the 1st half (especially with those stupid 4-note jacks), it's still genocidable.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random -- -- -- --
IX [SPA] 12★ Not a 12.15 despite how people rated this when the song first came out. Ending heavily denses up alot, finishing with 32th scratches + notes ala BSB's ending, so be ready for that.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random -- -- -- --
Ancient Scapes [SPA] 12★ Please be good at rolls (and bass rushes to a certain extent). How you play the ending will count on it. It's also sorta genocidable if you flatline after the 1st half.
(Scratching, Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.6 12.7 -- --
Adularia [SPA] 12★ You'll probably want to nonran / Mirror this the first time around. Ending chord scales are really dumb if you don't know how to hit them.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.5 12.9 -- --
Ubertreffen† [SPA] 12★ Denim chord roll measures are really hard to do for first timers imo, they can really nuke your gauge if you dunno how to do those. Stamina-based.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Denim, Rolls)
Regular, Mirror 12.8 13.0 -- --
華爛漫 -Flowers-† [SPA] 12★ An easier version of Colorful Cookie's ending for 90% of the duration of this song. Ending has rolls.
(Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random 12.6 12.8 -- --
LASER CRUSTER [SPA] 12★ Staminaaaaaaaa. Really free 20% lifegain at the end.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random 12.2 12.4 -- --
嘆きの樹 [SPA] 12★ This is the only chart with scales in the game that I don't like
(Jacks, Scales, Denim, Chords)
Random -- -- -- --
naughty girl@Queen's Palace [SPA] 11★ Learn the scratches, and learn how to scratch and hit things at the same time.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 11.4 11.6 -- 11.6
Just a Little Smile [SPA] 11★ Those ending scratches are tricky af. And I mean, REALLY tricky af. You either learn them, or be doomed to stare at that Failed lamp forever. Get scratchin', bro.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Rolls)
Random, Mirror 11.7 11.9 -- --
DESIRE [SPA] 11★ The ending denses up alot with 4-key chords inbetween chord streams alongside the scratches. Be mentally prepared for that.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales)
Random, R-Random 11.8 11.8 12.2 12.1
Fascination MAXX [SPA] 12★ Genociding this is great. Struggling to HC this (unless you're into that kind of fetish) isn't.
(Jacks, Speed Changes, Scales, Chords)
Mirror 12.1 -- -- --
Monopole. [SPA] 12★ It seems really hard at first but actually it's just a bunch of really fast rolls, chord rolls, scales, chord scales, and chord jacks all meshed into one chart. Just practice those on other charts, the only reason why this is hard is the fast 200 BPM.
(Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.6 12.8 -- --
少年は空を辿る [SPA] 12★ Beginning has alot of 32th scales charted in a really weird way not seen in any other nonran chart (which is really awkward to hit for some odd reason). For the ending, just look out for the jacks.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular 12.8 13.0 -- --
GENOM SCREAMS [SPA] 9★ Holy mother of chord staircases batman! (no seriously, this chart actually has those like how reunion [a] has it except at a slower BPM. Don't you love older Style charts?)
(Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 9.9 10.1 10.5 --
[SPA] 12★ The lifegain out of genocide is some shounen animu shit where ma nigga Goku makes a huge comeback and Freiza just drops his balls at the sight of him (tho the big question is, do you look like Goku enough for this?)
(Scratching, Jacks, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 13.1 -- -- --
アストライアの双皿 [SPA] 12★ Chord jacks are pretty difficult to time and are also the only thing you should be concerned about. You could probably think of the beat as 1-_-3-4 to help hit those better.
(Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Mirror 12.8 -- -- --
R5 [SPA] 11★ This only becomes an 11.something higher than .2 if you actually try to hit the beginning roll correctly. But why would you do that when you can just mash it as an 8th chord for anything above an NC?
(Scratching, Rolls, Chords)
Random, S-Random, R-Random 11.2 11.3 11.4 10.0
LUV TO ME(UCCHIE'S EDITION) [SPA] 11★ Those long 4+ note jacks are trippy af and will probably give you a headache when trying to HC this. NC-ing it isn't too bad though. (This song is great btw.)
(Scratching, Jacks, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 11.5 11.9 -- --
quasar [SPH] 9★ I used to warmup with this chart all the time when I was still getting into 9s; literally, I know this song like the back of my hand. If you Clear this, you've officially stepped into the world of streamy 9s.
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 9.2 9.4 9.9 9.7
Line 4 Ruin [SPA] 11★ Ridiculously fun song by Ryu*. Like, really, really fun.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Random 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.2
New Decade IIDX Edition [SPA] 11★ Jesus christ the BPM combined with the density of this song... Pretty fun to time though. The dense scratches as well as the ending denim rolls make it difficult to get anything above NC the first time around.
(Scratching, Scales, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Random 11.9 12.1 -- 11.7
reunion [SPH] 11★ See: deogenerate's review
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 11.2 11.6 -- --
RUGGED ASH [SPA] 9★ Not a hard 9, also fun to play because of the low BPM. Yay, jazzy songs.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random 9.2 9.4 9.8 --
CaptivAte~浄化~ [SPA] 11★ Chords. Lots of them, and they're pretty easy to time. Beginning 5+ key chords make it tricky to get anything above an NC lamp.
(Scratching, Rolls, Chords)
Random, Mirror 11.0 11.3 11.8 11.0
WE LOVE SHONAN [SPA] 10★ Lots of chord rolls + scratches going on. Also catchy as hell~
(Scratching, Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random 10.9 11.1 11.4 10.0
Distress [SPH] 10★ Really easy throughout the entire song until the ending denim rolls with scratches at the end of each one. Literally the only reason why this song is a 10 other than the rolls beforehand. (still wish this song got an [a] chart)
(Scratching, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.4 10.1 11.0 9.5
Spica [SPA] 11★ The whole chart is off-swung af, which makes the chord jacks in this notoriously difficult to time. Don't feel bad if you flatline the scratching chord jacks on your first few playthroughs, it will take some practice to get used to.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Random 11.8 12.1 -- --
灼熱 Pt.2 Long Train Running [SPH] 11★ The airhorns alone singlehandedly make this the best Mass MAD Izm song in the entire game. I'm not kidding. /MLGstatus
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Mirror 11.2 11.5 -- --
perditus†paradisus [SPH] 11★ If you were looking for the hardest officially rated 11 in the game, this is it. Towards the ending (when the rolls start) is where you'll need to hold on to your gauge, as the ending jacks is usually what kills every first time Clearer.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls)
Random, Mirror 11.9 11.9 -- --
Programmed World [SPA] 11★ A step above quasar [a]. Very similarly charted otherwise, straightforward streams and all that.
(Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular, Random 11.5 11.6 12.0 --
ANTHEM LANDING [SPA] 11★ Stamina-based chart. Ending denses up heavily with the chord streams. If you can HC this consistently alongside dense things like SHADE and Blue Rain, you are ready to combat the 12 wall.
(Scales, Chord Scales)
Random 11.7 11.9 12.2 --
Battle Train -IIDX Edition- [SPA] 11★ Think of HC-ing this (stamina-based chart) as one of those ANTHEM LANDING 11s you should HC to get ready for the 12 wall. Yeah, this chart is worth it.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls)
Random 11.8 12.0 -- --
NEMESIS [SPA] 11★ Pray for a good random on the consecutive jack measures towards the end. And I mean really pray. Awkward af with the other notes thrown in...
(Jacks, Scales, Rolls)
Random 11.7 11.8 -- --
Atröpøs [SPA] 11★ This chart feels like it took some examples from BMS and sorta accepted its essence from there. Probably because of the artist behind this chart. (Beware of the roll and ending scratches.)
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls)
Random, Mirror 11.6 11.7 11.9 --
Feel The Beat†LEGGENDARIA [SPA] 12★ You can genocide this after the middle part is over. Don't choke.
(Scratching, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 13.1 -- -- --
VOX UP [SPH] 11★ the ending is all chords, they're not really "rolls" at all unless you R-ran it
(Scratching, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random 11.7 11.9 -- --
Verflucht [SPH] 10★ rollllllllllllllllllls.
(Rolls, Chords)
Random 10.6 10.9 11.6 --
Idola [SPA] 12★ Ohay, the song of my people. /chordstreammania
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Denim, Rolls)
Random 12.5 12.7 -- --
ra'am [SPA] 12★ R-random actually makes the ending 5-key chords alot more tolerable and can even arguably be treated as free lifegain (even if you flatline beforehand). Said R-ran's ending roll can also just be mashed, just figure out the timing and you're done.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random, Mirror 13.0 -- -- --
quasar [SPA] 11★ If you clear this 11, you just marked a benchmark for yourself where you can clear a whole bunch of other 11s from there. Ending has a random jack which is really stupid imo lmao
Regular, Random 11.3 11.6 11.9 --
NΦ CRIME [SPH] 7★ A cut above the average streamy 7s in existence. Keep comboing on beat or you will fail.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 7.6 7.8 8.4 --
the trigger of innocence [SPH] 7★ Literally the easiest thing in the world for anyone who has already developed a decent sense of how to play this game. EZpz. Also a good first "7" to Clear.
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 6.4 6.5 7.0 --
Broken [SPA] 12★ A slight step above AA [a]. The only break you get is in the middle with almost no free gauge at all, with the ending crunching up on chord stream density.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random 12.6 12.8 -- --
jelly kiss [SPH] 5★ One of the few level 5 songs with 4-key chords and... chord jacks? holy shit
(Jacks, Chords)
Regular 5.8 6.4 6.8 --
mosaic [SPA] 12★ Chords up the ass. Ending bass rush and/or roll is what kills most first time Clearers.
(Rolls, Chords)
Regular, S-Random, Mirror 12.3 12.4 -- --
ライオン好き [SPA] 7★ Charts from older Styles sure are interesting. M52-M55 easily bumps this up to at least a Level 8; I mean seriously, how many low level charts in existence have butterfly patterns for their nonran chart?
(Scratching, Denim, Chords)
Random 8.4 8.5 8.9 7.6
rage against usual [SPA] 12★ First time clearers always genocide this after they flatline it (for obvious reasons). Personally though I prefer to Ran this for that reason
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 12.6 -- -- --
灼熱Beach Side Bunny [SPN] 7★ "YO!"
Regular, Random, Mirror 6.6 7.3 8.0 --
まほろば [SPH] 7★ Ending denses up in streams yo.
(Scratching, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 7.8 8.1 8.8 --
SHION [SPH] 7★ Say hello to the easiest level 7 in the entire game (ala MIRACLE MEETS [a]). Easily needs to be re-rated into a level 6.
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 6.1 6.3 6.6 6.0
キャトられ♥恋はモ~モク [SPA] 12★ Bass rushes, 32ths, scales, scratches, etc. Ending is all chords. /thisissomebmsshit
(Scratching, Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random 13.0 -- -- --
being torn the sky [SPH] 7★ A really easy "7". Very slow, relaxing BPM, imo it's one of those songs you just wanna relax to every time you play it
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.0
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて [SPA] 12★ Those beginning jacks are the only thing that would stop you from any lamp above NC. Otherwise straightforward as hell. Would non-ran for first time Clear.
(Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.2 12.5 -- --
Mind Mapping [SPH] 7★ This song's low BPM makes this really easy, and is only a tier above the fraud "7"s in existence (trigger of innocence, SHION, etc). Really catchy too.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 7.2 7.4 7.7 --
Bad Maniacs [SPA] 12★ Heavily stamina-based. Has alot of bass rushes, including some chord bass rushes towards the ending. Can genocide if you flatline before the break in the middle.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.0 -- -- --
ALFARSHEAR ~双神威に廻る夢~ [SPH] 7★ The streamy part is always the hardest part of this song, along with the ending chord jacks that can catch unprepared first timers off guard. Really hard 8, not a Level 7.
(Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 8.2 8.5 8.8 --
Heavenly Sun(IIDX VERSION) [SPH] 7★ The chart where people start learning how to play beatstreammania. 135 BPM makes this pretty easy.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 7.4 7.6 7.8 --
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ〜レイディオ†(IIDX EDIT) [SPA] 12★ This chart looked like some disgusting BMS shit to me the first time around. Now I'm just "eh" with it. (Ending is all scratches + chords).
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 12.8 -- -- --
Dreamin' Sun [SPA] 8★ Those jacks on non-ran push this song into level 9 tier, imo. Really awkward to learn at first.
(Jacks, Chords)
Regular, S-Random 8.8 9.1 9.8 --
B4U(BEMANI FOR YOU MIX)† [SPA] 12★ R-ran is pretty good on this. +1 would recommend.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.1 -- -- --
BLUE DRAGON(雷龍RemixIIDX) [SPA] 12★ The ending 32th trill is usually what gets me. Also, ending has chords everywhere (which is plenty of lifegain).
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Mirror 12.8 -- -- --
紅牡丹 [SPA] 12★ I want to rate this lower than a 12 but I believe it has enough stamina to be one. 2nd only to the Touhou 12 and maaaaaybe SSA for "easiest 12 in the game". Also, learn the scratches.
(Scratching, Scales, Chords)
Random 12.0 12.0 -- --
invoker†LEGGENDARIA [SPA] 12★ Probably the easiest Spada Leggendaria, provided you know how to scratch and hit notes at the same time (especially for the ending).
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Chords)
Random, R-Random 13.0 13.0 -- --
YAKSHA [SPA] 12★ Can genocide clear if you flatline the middle. Beware of the 32th staircase for the last measure.
(Scratching, Scales, Trills, Chords)
Regular 13.0 -- -- --
WONDER WALKER [SPA] 12★ Stamina-based. Be aware of the ending bass rush, scratches, and chord jacks (would non-ran for first time Clearers).
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.7 12.8 -- --
Sol Cosine Job 2 [SPA] 12★ Feel free to reset your FHS green number during the BSS. Ending has a bunch of trills.
(Speed Changes, Charge Notes, Scales, Trills, Rolls)
Regular 12.8 13.0 -- --
F [SPA] 12★ Lots of lifegain towards the end after the sudden crunched up chord stream measures you run into. Non-ran is one of the easiest versions of this chart. /chordstreammania
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls)
Regular, Random 12.3 12.7 13.0 --
BITTER CHOCOLATE STRIKER [SPA] 12★ Stamina-based chart entirely in 12th note spacing. Practice on gigadelic helps alot for this.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.8 12.9 -- --
Ristaccia [SPA] 12★ Protip: practice gigadelic (any difficulty) or any other 12th spacing chart, with & w/o S-ran for this chart's entire ending (not just the jacks!). They (the ending) are literally the same spacing, all of it.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Random 12.0 12.0 12.6 --
quaver♪ [SPA] 12★ The speedchange on this stamina-based chart doesn't actually make that much of a difference; just mentally adjust your overall timing of the chart and you'll be hitting notes as normal. Ending rolls are similar to 405nm [a].
(Scratching, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.8 12.9 -- --
音楽 [SPA] 12★ I would increase your normal initial green number (provided you use FHS) by +40, as the song's speed changes will feel like Big Dog Waltz that way. For the ending, always flick your towel up (and ONLY upwards) to reset the green number. You'll know when.
(Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random -- -- -- --
旋律のドグマ~Misérables~ [SPA] 12★ The easiest 2000 note chart stamina in existence. I HC'd this for the first time using R-Ran, but I haven't played it using the latter thoroughly enough to recommend it.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.7 12.8 -- --
SOLID STATE SQUAD [SPA] 12★ Genocidable if you flatline after the dense bass rush measure with a shitton of notes in the middle (would Mirror this for 1st time Clear). It's also a really fun 12.
(Scratching, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 12.3 12.7 -- --
thunder HOUSE NATION Remix† [SPA] 12★ It's sorta easy to choke on this imo even though it mostly retains the same amount of density throughout the song (maybe it's just the fact that it's 128 BPM which is pretty slow for most 12s? idk). tl;dr, just don't choke, it's straightforward
(Scratching, Jacks, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.7 12.9 -- --
Secrets† [SPA] 12★ One of those BMS stamina charts where you must hit the notes nonstop or you die. Really fun once you have enough stamina for this.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.1 -- -- --
STULTI [SPA] 12★ A shitton of nageki rolls condensed into one chart. Endure the beginning rolls and you're good for the rest of the song (provided you don't mash the nageki rolls and know how to actually hit them).
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Rolls, Chords)
Random 13.0 13.1 -- --
CaptivAte2~覚醒~† [SPA] 12★ genocidable if you flatline the beginning. Ending has bass rush much like the regular [a] and also denses up (duh).
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular, Random 12.8 12.9 -- --
MENTAL MELTDOWN† [SPA] 12★ Oh christ the denim measures into chord jacks. Can still genocide this by combo-ing nonstop afterwards if you flatline the chord jacks btw. /hypesongtho
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.8 -- -- --
neu [SPA] 12★ I would HC this for the first time around, can potentially lifegain to 100% on HC gauge even if you fuck up the beginning measures a little too hard. Ending roll is often what kills everybody at first.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 13.0 13.0 -- --
STEEL NEEDLE† [SPA] 12★ It gets easier towards the ending (bass rush in mind). This chart is also good practice for Mei [a] on Random.
(Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 13.1 -- -- --
four pieces of heaven† [SPA] 12★ sightread Clear on my 1st time using Mirror. Even if you flatline before the speedchange starts, you can still genocide this provided you know how to hit scales. (There's also only 1 scratch for the ending unlike the regular [a]. Go figure)
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chord Scales)
Random, Mirror 13.1 -- -- --
VANESSA [SPA] 12★ This 12 is pretty mashable even on awkward randoms (example: 47 -> 56 = actually 4756 = one 16th chord). Straightforward as hell. Just pray that your jack is on a good key when you random this.
(Scratching, Jacks, Chord Scales)
Random 12.3 12.6 -- --
MENDES [SPA] 12★ Genociding this is all the rage nowadays, most people would not even waste time with the beginning measures anyway for the 1st time Clear (unless, stamina practice). Pray for a decent Ran on the 4-key chord bass rush, and time that as strictly as possible.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random 13.1 -- -- --
snow storm† [SPA] 12★ It's easy to genocide this after that long pause in the middle of the song (ending chord scales is the only thing that's hard), although the beginning is still playable anyway granted you have enough stamina. Theoretically, easier to HC for 1st time Clear.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random 12.1 12.1 -- --
Blue Rain† [SPA] 12★ Gradually builds up in density as the chart progresses. You can think of it as AA [h] -> quasar [a] -> ANTHEM LANDING [a] -> F [a] -> Broken [a] -> Cuvelia [a] for the ending except x1.1 more dense than that.
(Scratching, Chord Scales, Trills, Chords)
Regular, Random 13.1 -- -- --
電人、暁に斃れる。 [SPA] 12★ Chart isn't actually that hard imo (bass rush timing is easy to nail for the ending), although the chart layout is a little awkward at first. Just keep on beat and you'll do fine.
(Jacks, Rolls)
Regular 12.5 12.5 -- --
FIRE FIRE [SPA] 12★ (reserved text here)
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.4 12.7 -- --
Concertino in Blue [SPA] 12★ I would increase the initial green number by +15 or more if going for a first time Clear (do not DHS + TT). Off the top of my head, towards the ending you can recover at least +30% life. There's also alot of scratch + chords going on, so keep that in mind.
(Scratching, Jacks, Speed Changes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.2 12.5 -- --
Scripted Connection⇒ long mix [SPA] 12★ If you've never played a 4+ minute song in LR2 before, now would be a good time to practice those (if you can find any). It's really straightforward and easy otherwise except for the AA [a]-like ending with scratches and scales thrown in.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random, Mirror 13.1 13.1 -- --
Scripted Connection⇒ A mix [SPA] 12★ I still cannot hit those 5-note jacks for shit for the HC. That aside, this technical chart is pretty straightforward and even if you flatline after the 5-note jacks you can still genocide this if you combo 95% of the notes after that with good timing.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random, Mirror 12.5 -- -- --
SCREAM SQUAD [SPA] 12★ The scratches are really awkward to learn here on your first playthroughs (which you must learn); if you drill it enough however, you may either get a lucky Clear or rage at the ending 70-78%'s that you'll be getting alot. (P.S. SLAKE da bess.)
(Scratching, Rolls)
Random 12.1 12.6 -- --
spiral galaxy† [SPA] 12★ Ending denses up with scratches and note density like 90% of every other serious IIDX chart. Also has an ending roll.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.6 12.6 -- --
The Sampling Paradise [SPA] 12★ There are three sections you will need to look out for when going for any lamp above NC; M40 (scratching + 32th rolls + notes), M61-M63 (the scratches into BSS with notes inbetween), and the sudden densed up chord stream ending after M63.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.3 12.5 13.1 --
MAD ATTACK [SPA] 9★ Offbeat and funky as hell, especially with the ending chord jacks which can screw you over if you don't have the timing figured out. The beginning is just as offswung; consecutive scratches + notes for 7 measures, ending with a slaptap 13 / 57 chord roll.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 9.6 10.0 10.4 9.5
打打打打打打打打打打 [SPA] 11★ "DADADADADADADADA." - Hottest Pendual Mixtape of 2015
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Denim, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.5 11.7 -- --
灼熱Beach Side Bunny [SPH] 10★ Once you've got this song figured out, you've got the best warmup chart in the entire game under your belt. For first time Clearers, just learn how the scratches feel, and remember to scratch up-down every time. (Also, use Mir.)
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 10.6 10.9 11.8 11.8
Almagest [SPA] 12★ The CNs with notes inbetween and the 32th roll with some notes thrown in are the only measures you should worry about.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random 13.1 -- -- --
One More Lovely [SPA] 12★ Don't waste your time Random fishing, just R-ran it to make everything literally easier.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
R-Random 12.9 12.8 -- --
カゴノトリ~弐式~ [SPA] 12★ R-ran makes the ending easier but is horrible for scoring. Ran is your best bet for scoring. Mirror is alright for both. Oh and, if you want to EXHC, aside from the dense ending, beware of those multi-hitting jacks mid-song.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.4 12.4 13.0 12.5
V [SPA] 12★ Non-ran/Mir: The alternating denim rolls can be mashed as one chord. R-ran makes EVERY roll in this chart significantly easier to hit and helps with the ending alot no matter what R-ran you get. (Also, beware of the dense burst measure close to the ending)
(Jacks, Scales, Rolls, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.4 12.6 -- 12.2
gigadelic [SPH] 12★ This entire chart = 12th note spacing. Time those rolls with that in mind. Ending denses up with notes and scratches thrown in with one long roll (that you should probably auto-pilot once you figure out the timing), so read it as best you can.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.2 12.0 12.9 --
Elisha [SPH] 10★ "I feel you. I guess you know. Whenever with you? You know it's true. I miss you. I miss you. Do you think about me? Welcome to my world."
(Charge Notes, Chords)
Regular 9.5 9.4 10.1 9.7
Red. by Full Metal Jacket [SPH] 10★ Protip #1: Just like the spA, it's possible to genocide Clear this even if you suck at scratching. Just don't choke (obviously). Protip #2: learn the "up-down" motion when scratching, like 1-2-3!
(Scratching, Chords)
Random, Mirror 10.5 10.8 11.7 11.4
ΕΛΠΙΣ [SPA] 12★ Conserve your stamina until after the break in the middle of the song (which you can use as an oppurtunity to breathe). Once you're done breathing, do NOT choke and keep combo as much as you can nonstop. Ending measure is a mini-denim scale into scratch.
(Scratching, Scales, Chords)
Random 12.2 12.5 12.9 12.8
JOMANDA [SPA] 12★ Stamina-based chart with gimmicky 冥-type speedchanges mid-song that you'll need to learn for the HC. It's possible to genocide this out of the speedchange measure if you combo nonstop then endure the doubled up density towards the ending.
(Scratching, Jacks, Speed Changes, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 13.0 -- -- --
Recollection [SPA] 9★ Really fun 9! The only measure you really have to worry about is the INORI-ish alternating scaley blue-keys-only measure if you want anything higher than a Normal Clear.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 9.2 9.4 9.8 8.6
into the battlefield [SPA] 10★ A good standalone song that actually fits the dark, edgy theme SPADA tries to go for, as expected of TOMOSUKE. Too bad they never polished up on the story and event unlocks. (Chart: scale and chordfest. Watch out for the chord jacks towards the end.)
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Chords)
Random 10.6 10.7 10.9 10.0
24th Century BOY [SPH] 9★ The 1st 9 I ever cleared (it's really easy yo). Your unofficial introduction to streamy 9s (easier than quasar spH), it does not BS you and is easy to keep rhythm on.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.6
PENDUAL TALISMAN [SPA] 11★ Chords up the ass x9000 until Future Phase comes in, transforming the chart into an actual 11. Then you actually have to focus for a bit. Feel free to FHS the slowdown if you want (not like -10 BPM is gonna make a difference or anything)
(Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.0 11.2 11.5 10.4
Amnolys [SPA] 11★ onoken's take on quasar [a] with some swag buildup at the beginning of the chart. FHS immediately once the speedup starts, you only need to do it once. Oh and, there's a bass rush at the end.
(Scratching, Speed Changes, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.4 11.6 11.9 11.0
COLOSSEUM [SPA] 11★ If you're still looking for your first MIRACLE MEETS 11 to Clear, look no further than this chart. That or AFRO KNUCKLE if you like baby Innocent Walls chord jacks. (Random for score.)
(Scratching, Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 10.9 11.3 11.7 11.1
千年ノ理 [SPA] 12★ Scales and 4-key chords that are decently spaced at 160+ BPM. Ending is alternating left-right scales with 4-key chords for each direction change followed by added scratches for the last few measures. No, it's not a 12.
(Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 11.8 12.0 12.4 --
夏色DIARY - L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX - [SPA] 12★ [will type in proper text later P.S. bass rush is alot like Fatal Attack [a] nonran from GOLD]
(Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.5 12.7 -- --
X↑X↓ [SPA] 11★ Rolls and bass. Towards the end is a really awkward all-white key measure that alternates 35 into 17 (transforming into a chord roll twice then back to just a roll) for several measures, some life gain, then chord jacks for the last measure. Easier to Mir.
(Jacks, Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
R-Random, Mirror 11.8 11.6 -- --
SCHWARZSCHILD FIELD [SPA] 11★ Just worry about the 32th rolls, jacks, and scratches in M31-M32, along with the ending scratches + chord jacks @M64. (You can also genocide this if you flatline.) Straightforward AF and really fun to play / time otherwise.
(Scratching, Jacks, Scales, Trills, Rolls)
Regular, Random, Mirror 11.7 11.9 -- --
chrono diver -fragment- [SPA] 9★ If IIDX had a reward for Hottest Song & Chart of 2015, it would go to chrono diver -fragment-. EZ to score on, EZ to warm up to, EZ to combo, and most importantly, really fun to play. No wonder it's stayed at #1 Most Played on the leaderboards.
(Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 8.9 9.0 9.4 8.9
Rave*it!! Rave*it!! [SPA] 12★ Awkward measures: [M16] (becomes chord jack after the chord), [M40-M41] (notes inbetween chords). [M51-M58] is all awkward 6-key chords that are EZ to glitch BADS on. [M59] onwards = lifegain for Clear (even more so on Mirror)
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.7 13.1 -- 13.0
8bit Princess [SPH] 6★ Chords all day, every day. Easiest Tricoro chart in the game to score on because of how ridiculously catchy and fun it is to hit buttons to.
(Scratching, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 6.4 6.6 7.0 6.6
GAIA [SPA] 12★ Straightforward stamina chart. M31-M50 is where you will need endure for the HC. M51-M58 = breathing room. M59-M66 = endure some more (rolls @ M66); staircase needs Random. M67-M80 eases up a bit. M81 has chord rolls w/ scratches for the ending.
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls)
Random 12.5 12.8 13.2 --
Snake Stick [SPA] 12★ M43-M50 = most difficult part of the chart to endure for the HC because of the dense scratches and chords / notes inbetween. After that, lifegain, then don't choke. [Otherwise, on NC it's EZ to BS by not scratching too fast, except for M43-M50]
(Scratching, Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.7 13.2 -- --
ZZ [SPA] 12★ A baby version of Hollywood Galaxy's CN sections, F's density level, and V's ending rolls all in one. R-Randoms well with the CNs, density level is about the same as F if not harder. Pretty easy to keep timing with.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.5 12.6 -- --
Almagest [SPH] 11★ One of the first serious CN charts ever introduced, and with good reason. If you don't know how to hit CNs with notes inbetween, you're already dead, so at least practice a few CN charts if you're gunning for the Clear.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales)
Random, R-Random, Mirror 11.6 11.8 12.4 --
PLEASE DON'T GO [SPA] 12★ M30 and M66 are literally the only measures you need to watch out for, which are essentially 4-key chord jack scratches in the same vein as Innocent Walls, except that one key is retardedly spread out for each chord. Thank god R-ran and S-ran exist.
(Scratching, Jacks, Chords)
S-Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.8 12.6 -- --
超青少年ノ為ノ超多幸ナ超古典的超舞曲† [SPA] 12★ Straightforward af. The ending is literally Blue Rain [Ba] dense and goes on for like 5-8 measures, so keep on beat with the song and endure it. Non-ran / Mirror have free slaptap rolls for some really fun lifegain. Mash the Liberation rolls if necessary.
(Jacks, Chord Scales, Denim, Rolls, Chords)
Random, Mirror 13.1 13.3 -- --
Proof of the existence [SPA] 12★ A chart that steadily builds up in density as the song goes on. M64-M81 is where you go into your mental "do not choke" state as you must keep hitting nonstop at all times. M80-M81 is scratching + scales w/ a chord scale, a.k.a., the killer measures.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 12.9 12.9 -- --
TIEFSEE [SPA] 12★ On par with Broken if not easier, chart behaves like Broken too. Ending chord streams you must anticipate, as they will come after the last rolls in the chart. Straightforward overall.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.5 12.7 13.2 --
Valanga [SPA] 12★ Practice on Almagest [h] w/ Ran works wonders. M35-49 has chord scales, which are your serial HC gauge killers. Endure it, as the rest of the chart = lifegain w/ CNs until ending measures 80-83: (all w/ scratches) bass rush > chord scale > dense stream.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, Mirror 12.7 12.9 -- --
Ludus In Tenebris [SPA] 12★ A ridiculously easy 126 BPM chart... if you're good with scales, chord scales, and the like. The only real gimmick is the ending 32th roll which expands for about two measures, which can easily be mashed.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.5 12.8 -- --
Hollywood Galaxy [SPA] 12★ HC strategy: Endure M34-M47 when the scales start coming in, and beware of the roll before the first CNs. After the lifegain CNs, endure the rest, and HOLD those CNs or you WILL die. Practice on Almagest [h] w/ Ran beforehand works wonders.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random 13.0 13.1 -- --
Beat Radiance† [SPA] 12★ [See: DarkEmX's review.]
(Scratching, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.4 12.5 12.9 12.4
Sounds Of Summer [SPA] 12★ There's just two dense sections of the song you have to worry about; the middle, and the ending. Both sections are streamy with jacks thrown in, making it quite tricky to hit, but overall it's an easy chart that's good with any mod used on it.
(Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.5 12.7 -- --
Tori-no-kimochi [SPN] 1★ A Level 1 song that is actually as easy as it's supposed to be labeled. Literally Beginner Level tier and is on par with I'm So Happy [n] (which is officially rated a Level "3" mind you) difficulty-wise if not easier. Regular 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Reflux [SPA] 12★ Chart alternates rolls alot, including some 32th rolls w/ scratches. Pretend the BSSs are actually two seperate scratches. Your scratching thumb is a godsend. Ending has a 32th scale with some dense scratches along with several BSSs you must endure.
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Scales, Rolls)
Regular, Random, R-Random 13.0 13.2 -- --
NEO GENERATOR SEVEN [SPA] 12★ Rolls, trills, bass rushes, some obligatory scratches, and did I mention bass rush? M40-M43 wants to kill off your HC gauge with a bass rush + trills, rolls, and chords inbetween. M73-M82 = all of the above + one long roll = Clear or Fail. Endure pls.
(Scratching, Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random, Mirror 12.6 12.9 -- --
Symmetry [SPA] 12★ Staircases + alot of those "X" measures you see in Xepher and reunion, except alot more frequently. Also an easier version of GOLDEN CROSS whose beat is alot of "1-2-3" with the chord streams.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Denim, Chords)
Regular, Random, R-Random, Mirror 12.3 12.4 12.8 --
empathy [SPA] 8★ The jacks in this song will screw people over the first time they play it, so S-Ran can actually help alot in this case if not Random. Non-ran is not a Level 8 at all.
(Jacks, Difficult End)
Random, S-Random 9.0 9.2 9.7 --
I'm so Happy [SPN] 3★ Easiest Level "3" (a.k.a. Level 1) in the entire game. A great choice for the beginner who is already comfortable with green Beginner level charts. Regular 1.0 1.0 1.0 --
GAMBOL [SPH] 1★ Not actually a Level 1, horrible for people just starting out. Level 2 at least, especially with the bass on key 1. Regular 2.0 2.0 2.1 --
Around The Galaxy [SPA] 10★ A straightforward, streamy chart. Only hard parts are the chord bass rush -> roll which you absolutely must figure out the timing for if you want to HC, and the bass rush -> roll for the ending. Overall, really fun.
(Rolls, Chords)
Regular, Random 10.7 10.8 11.7 --
TOXIC VIBRATION [SPA] 12★ Chordy rolls and scales all over the damn place. Some rolls transform into a bass rush while you roll. [M72-M73] 32th scales and a trill or two. [M80-M83] clusterfuck = heavy chord roll/bass/chord scales [M96-100] scales into chord scales.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Trills, Rolls, Chords, Difficult Middle)
Regular, Random, R-Random 12.9 13.1 -- --
cinder [SPA] 12★ Another dense chart. [Notes] 1) there's a random alternating "half-roll" at the end of the lifegain on M72 that seeks to fuck you over 2) M84-M94 you must endure, it really crunches up on the density here and will determine whether you Clear or Fail
(Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Random 13.0 13.2 -- --
それは花火のような恋 [SPA] 12★ Easiest Prim song for its density level. [Notes] 1) has denim scales with scratches. 2) chord scales. 3) Straightforward as hell. Does not BS you.
(Scratching, Scales, Chord Scales)
Regular, Random 12.2 12.3 13.0 --
Gravigazer [SPA] 12★ Notes: 1) short burst BSSs with notes thrown in; use your thumbs for this. 2) Has scratches with notes thrown in (ala gigadelic towards the ending). Again, thumbs. 3) Ending is somewhat dense with jacks thrown in. Figure out the timing and you're gold.
(Scratching, Jacks, Charge Notes, Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular, Random, Mirror 12.4 12.6 13.1 --
entelecheia [SPA] 12★ Essentially a x1.8 buffed version of Todestrieb, chart for chart. Mirror makes the ending (which crunches up on density) significantly more readable though Random works as well. Beware of the ending roll.
(Scales, Rolls, Chords, Difficult End)
Random, Mirror 13.0 13.0 -- --
Broken Sword [SPA] 12★ This song starts off easy until the ending; the ending becomes super heavy chord streams and you'll even see 5-key chords inbetween streams w/ scratches thrown in. It is advised you hit the keys lightly to conserve stamina until the end.
(Scales, Chord Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Random 13.2 13.1 -- --
Programmed Sun(xac Antarctic Ocean mix) [SPH] 7★ A solid streamy level 7 chart.
(Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Random 7.4 7.6 8.4 --
Todestrieb [SPH] 9★ A solid 9 for a great song.
(Charge Notes, Scales, Chords, Difficult End)
Regular 9.1 9.4 9.9 --