DOMINION [SPA] 12★ Pretty genocide clearable, guaranteed clear if you don't hit 2%, nonran kinda sucks if you're bad at 5-7 rolls
Regular, R-Random 12.5 -- -- --
The Least 100sec [SPA] 12★ Just tap a black key on the last speed change, pretty simple otherwise
(Speed Changes, Chord Scales)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
Rave*it!! Rave*it!! [SPA] 12★ 6 note chords in the middle are impossible, just get all your gauge back in the middle CN section and memorize the ending pattern (not hard, just a bunch of 1234 and 567 with a couple of 4567 thrown in)
(Jacks, Chords)
Regular 12.7 -- -- --
表裏一体!?怪盗いいんちょの悩み? [SPA] 12★ Pretty basic chord bursts throughout, I played it once and it was probably a bad random but still not too bad to clear
(Chord Scales, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.4 -- -- --
NEO GENERATOR SEVEN [SPA] 12★ Survive the roll/cluster near the end with at least ~30% gauge and you can clear by FCing the rest
(Rolls, Chords)
Regular, R-Random 12.6 -- -- --
PARANOiA (HADES) [SPA] 12★ It's not hard in terms of note density, it's just all about getting a good random and not messing up the last FHS
(Speed Changes)
Random 12.5 -- -- --
Invitation from Mr.C [SPA] 12★ Maintaining the fast tempo can be tricky, the two main chord+scratch sections are make or break
(Scratching, Charge Notes, Chords)
Regular 12.6 -- -- --
Monopole. [SPA] 12★ Fast, just need to maintain focus at the end, CNs are easy nonran
(Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Regular 12.6 -- -- --
PUNISHER [SPA] 12★ Pretty much just a stamina test Random 12.5 -- -- --
Sense 2007 [SPA] 12★ Scratches are just 8th notes so you really don't need to think about them
(Scratching, Jacks)
Random 12.6 -- -- --
Thunderbolt [SPA] 12★ Heavy stamina drainer, needs a good random
Random 12.6 -- -- --
Adularia [SPA] 12★ CNs are difficult, but nothing super dense otherwise
(Charge Notes)
Random 12.6 -- -- --
Gravigazer [SPA] 12★ No need to spin around on the BSS, ending has a bit of a funky kick drum rhythm but not too bad
(Scratching, Jacks, Chord Scales)
Random 12.5 -- -- --
snow storm† [SPA] 12★ Ending is random dependent, easier to HC probably
(Chord Scales)
Random 12.2 12.1 -- --
tripping contact [SPA] 12★ Ending sucks
Random -- 12.3 -- --
V [SPA] 12★ Easy to mess up even with the right random
(Denim, Chords)
Random 12.5 -- -- --
Colors (radio edit) [SPA] 12★ *shrug* I hit 2% literally every time, cleared once out of a bajillion attempts
Random, R-Random 12.5 -- -- --
A [SPA] 12★ Ending is a little tricky if seeking first 12 clear
(Speed Changes, Scales)
Regular, Random 12.0 -- -- --
[SPA] 12★ Jacky
(Jacks, Speed Changes)
Regular, Random 12.2 -- -- --
one or eight [SPA] 12★ Another chart that I seem to struggle with more than anyone else
(Scratching, Jacks, Chords)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
moon_child [SPA] 12★ Somewhat random dependent
(Scratching, Jacks, Rolls)
Random 12.3 -- -- --
Innocent Walls [SPH] 12★ Really not difficult if you're at all decent at jacks, was my only 12 clear for 2+ months
Regular 11.7 -- -- --
雪月花 [SPA] 12★ Just memorize the scratch rhythm and the rest is pretty simple
(Scratching, Jacks)
Random 12.2 -- -- --
Innocent Walls [SPA] 12★ Ending gets a little dense, harder to recover than the hyper
Regular 12.2 -- -- --
gigadelic [SPH] 12★ 6-7 roll nonran f u konmai
(Scratching, Rolls)
Random -- 12.0 -- --
gigadelic [SPA] 12★ (Scratching, Rolls) Random -- 12.2 -- --
SCREAM SQUAD [SPA] 12★ Easy to border fail, just takes some practice
Regular, Random 12.2 -- -- --
Scripted Connection⇒ A mix [SPA] 12★ Needs a good random to get through the middle
Random 12.6 -- -- --
Concertino in Blue [SPA] 12★ Simple, lots of recovery at the end, helps to know the song
Random 12.1 -- -- --
DUE TOMORROW [SPA] 12★ Ending trills are mashable depending on the random
(Jacks, Rolls)
Random 12.3 -- -- --
カゴノトリ~弐式~ [SPA] 12★ Ending almost always randoms badly, but there are a few good ones
Random 12.6 -- -- --
LASER CRUSTER [SPA] 12★ Can be difficult to score on but most randoms are pretty easy to clear
Regular, Random 12.2 -- -- --
VANESSA [SPA] 12★ Random dependent
Random 12.3 -- -- --
Fascination MAXX [SPA] 12★ Genocide clearable, for the NC just set your GN to 4x and go for it
(Jacks, Speed Changes)
Regular, R-Random 12.0 -- -- --
FIRE FIRE [SPA] 12★ Needs the right random
(Scratching, Chord Scales, Chords)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
Ancient Scapes [SPA] 12★ Ending is tricky, not bad with a good random, but hard to get a good one
Regular, Random 12.5 -- -- --
TROOPERS [SPA] 12★ Ending rhythms can be tricky, probably easier to HC
Regular 12.3 12.3 -- --
電人、暁に斃れる。 [SPA] 12★ Very few good randoms for this Random 12.5 -- -- --
Biometrics Warrior [SPA] 12★ Not bad to clear nonran, scratches at the end are the only hard part
Regular 12.5 -- -- --
少年A [SPA] 12★ Scratches are annoying, random dependent toward the end
Random 12.4 -- -- --
ICARUS [SPA] 12★ Rolls can suck, rest is easy
Regular, Random 12.1 -- -- --
oratio [SPA] 12★ Middle often randoms badly but you can still recover after losing all your gauge
Random 12.4 -- -- --
Ristaccia [SPA] 12★ Ending is jacky and never randoms well, but I have more trouble with this than anyone else so grain of salt
(Jacks, Chords)
Random 12.2 -- -- --
Go Beyond!! [SPA] 12★ smh Regular, Random 12.4 -- -- --
ワルツ第17番ト短調"大犬のワルツ" [SPA] 12★ Mostly depends on how good a random you get for the ending
(Jacks, Trills)
Random 12.3 -- -- --
GOLDEN CROSS [SPA] 12★ Kind of a next step up for 12 density
Random 12.8 -- -- --
SOLID STATE SQUAD [SPA] 12★ Random dependent, lots of recovery at the end, if you make it through the hard part with 40% gauge you're fine
(Scratching, Rolls)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
Evans [SPA] 12★ The hardest part is the roll in the middle really
Random 12.5 -- -- --
mosaic [SPA] 12★ It's really just do you have the arm strength to keep slapping the keyboard with both hands for 2 minutes, nonran is super easy
Regular 12.2 -- -- --
eRAseRmOToRpHAntOM [SPA] 12★ High BPM kick can be tricky depending on which key it lands on
(Speed Changes)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
Red. by Full Metal Jacket [SPA] 12★ Ending is pretty easy, just don't drop below 50ish percent during the last big scratch section
Regular 12.7 -- -- --
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて [SPA] 12★ Basic entry-level 12, consistent all the way through Regular, Random 12.2 -- -- --
sakura storm [SPA] 12★ CNs are hard
(Charge Notes)
Regular, Random 12.1 -- -- --
SPECIAL SUMMER CAMPAIGN [SPA] 12★ Entry-level 12 density
(Denim, Chords)
Regular, Random 12.0 -- -- --
ALBIDA [SPA] 12★ Not a terrible yoshitaka chart, pretty consistent difficulty all the way through
Random 12.5 -- -- --
Broken [SPA] 12★ Needs a good random if you're borderline clearing it
(Chord Scales, Chords)
Random 12.7 -- -- --
ELECTRIC MASSIVE DIVER [SPA] 12★ Chords, chords, more chords
R-Random 12.7 -- -- --
Todestrieb [SPA] 12★ Chords are tricky
Random 12.4 -- -- --
fffff [SPA] 12★ Random dependent
(Chord Scales, Rolls, Chords)
Random 12.6 -- -- --
The Sampling Paradise [SPA] 12★ FUN chart, ending is tricky but you'll probably hit more notes than you think you will
(Scratching, Chord Scales)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
F [SPA] 12★ Never really randoms well and chord stream is long, harder than a 12.3 in my experience
(Chord Scales)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
GAIA [SPA] 12★ Stamina chart, scoring kinda sucks, ending gives you a few percent recovery Random 12.6 -- -- --
ΕΛΠΙΣ [SPA] 12★ Stamina, last measure can easily throw you off Random 12.3 -- -- --
Liberation [SPA] 12★ Recovery possible even if you hit 2% on the 24th roll
Random 12.3 -- -- --
Little Star [SPA] 12★ Solid easier 12 overall, slight difficulty jump at second chorus
Regular, Random 12.3 -- -- --
True Blue [SPA] 12★ Standard mid-level Taka 12, rhythms in the middle kinda suck for scoring
Random 12.6 -- -- --
invoker [SPA] 12★ High BPM but very simple Regular 12.1 -- -- --
Say YEEEAHH [SPA] 12★ Somewhat random dependent, middle is dense but ending is a bit easier
Random 12.5 -- -- --
FANTASTIC THREE [SPA] 12★ Just needs a good random for the ending, lots of recovery after the scratches
(Scratching, Chord Scales)
Random 12.4 -- -- --
千年ノ理 [SPA] 12★ Nonran for the clear, random for scoring (the ending can really suck on a lot of randoms)
Regular, Random 12.0 -- -- --
ZZ [SPA] 12★ You get used to the ending after a few attempts
(Charge Notes, Chord Scales)
Random 12.5 -- -- --
SpaceLand☆TOYBOX [SPA] 12★ Jacks are a bit tricky but fairly mashable
Random 12.4 -- -- --
紅牡丹 [SPA] 12★ Deserves to be a 12, but lots of recovery at the end makes it an easy clear Random 12.1 -- -- --
TIEFSEE [SPA] 12★ Higher BPM makes chord stream a bit tricky
(Chord Scales)
Random 12.5 -- -- --
Symmetry [SPA] 12★ Pretty constant difficulty all the way through
Regular 12.1 -- -- --
Sounds Of Summer [SPA] 12★ Not bad if you get a good R-Ran
(Charge Notes, Rolls, Chords)
R-Random 12.4 -- -- --