Triple Journey ... // CSP // 18☆

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Jynxatu Stamina, oh dear lord, so much stamina. Also, some crossovers. Hour long ITG trance marathons are easier to pass than this.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Step-Jumps, Candles, Difficult End)
2.75x 18.7 18.4
MOOO Draining as hell (especially that ending), but it's fairly straightforward. Hated this at first, however it's starting to grow on me.
(Crossovers, Speed Changes, Drills, Candles, Difficult End)
3.0x 18.4 18.3
rayword45 Stamina, candles, stepjumps, crossovers, oh my! Maybe not a hard score, but definitely drains you like a bitch.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Turns, Drills, Step-Jumps, Candles, Difficult End)
3.0x 18.8 18.2
46ktn very tiring
(Step-Jumps, Candles)
3.25x 18.5 18.2
M3-MKZM* You're going to need good Stamina for this chart.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Drills, Step-Jumps, Candles, Difficult End)
3.25x 18.9 18.3
meme uhh wow the stamina required for this is way beyond that of most of the other 18s, even stuff like antimatter; otherwise it's ez to score on but still WAY too tiring to be a 2
(Crossovers, Gallops, Speed Changes, Turns, Drills, Candles, Difficult End)
2.5x 18.7 18.2
Valex Stamina
(Crossovers, Speed Changes, Drills)
3.25x 18.4 18.1
Quick Man One of the easiest 18s in the game to clear and the easiest to score on for me(remains my first and only 18 PFC). Not really that fun, however.
(Crossovers, Speed Changes, Turns, Drills)
3.25x 18.2 18.0