ccc |
Reasonable 16, pretty fun actually. Most of it isn't too bad aside from some gallop trickery in the middle, then there's some speedy 400 bpm bits at the end.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Speed Changes, Stops, Jacks, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 16.3 | 16.5 |
Jynxatu |
Agree with the consensus that this is an easy 16 for scoring, this is my second highest 16 right now! Only really difficult section is at the end, if you want you can also treat the 200 section with the corner-jump-freezes as a crossover section.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Freeze Notes, Step-Jumps, Difficult End) |
1.25x | 16.3 | 16.1 |
SirDelins |
Slightly off sync, which makes it hard to score on. The stops and speed changes don't help. In terms of passing, the only tricky parts are the gallops in the middle and the ending, though they are both manageable.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 16.4 | 16.6 |
rayword45 |
Borderline af
(Gallops, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 16.0 | 16.3 |
meme |
easy 16 to pass and potentially easy to score on if you can handle the somewhat off sync, since the first third plays like a 13, the middle is a 14, and only the end bumps it to 16 tier (crossover the end for easier timing)
(Crossovers, Gallops, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
1.25x | 16.1 | 16.3 |
Trigger_Happy |
Surprisingly chill. The ending is only a little bit concerning for scoring. But if you can step at 400 BPM you're golden.
(Gallops, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
1.25x | 16.3 | 16.4 |