Quick Man |
Infamous chart that's been fucking aspiring players in the mouth for 15 years now.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Turns, Difficult End) |
2.25x | 16.8 | 16.8 |
Trigger_Happy |
This and Trip Machine Evolution are the hardest 16s to clear imho. Technical, stamina, and it isn't a bullshit mess. Don't doublestep the death run neae the end unless you hate yourself.
Scoring is actually not too bad.
(Difficult End) |
1.75x | 16.9 | 16.6 |
Nebel |
Upper-mid 16. A lot of people have a hangup with this, but it's likely a nostalgic factor. It is streamy, but slow. The crossovers make up the bulk of the difficulty.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Difficult End) |
2.0x | 16.5 | 16.5 |
ngqp |
probably the best rhythmic chart to have ever been made. god bless america.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Stops, Turns, Freeze Notes) |
2.25x | 16.8 | -- |
meme |
great legendary road chart, nonstop streams and jumps with crossover death runs at the end
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Turns, Freeze Notes, Jacks, Difficult End) |
1.5x | 16.7 | 16.6 |
rayword45 |
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Difficult End) |
2.0x | 16.9 | 16.5 |
pinkscones |
This is the greatest DDR chart ever made. Streams are intense at times but flow well, it's a stamina drainer and pushes your technical ability especially in the latter half with the crossover runs, you need to be on your A-game here. An absolute gem.
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Turns, Freeze Notes, Jacks, Difficult End) |
2.0x | 16.8 | 16.6 |
Jynxatu |
Not stupidly difficult, by today's standards. Mid-to-high 16 though, for sure.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Difficult End) |
1.75x | 16.6 | 16.6 |
SirDelins |
PSMO. Both stamina draining and very technical, but still a classic, fun chart.
(Crossovers, Jumps, Speed Changes, Turns, Freeze Notes, Difficult End) |
2.0x | 16.8 | 16.7 |
ccc |
Took me an eternity to learn to do those ending crossovers... Really tiring
(Crossovers, Gallops, Jumps, Speed Changes, Difficult End) |
2.0x | 16.8 | 16.7 |